1.Die casting aluminum alloy designation

GB/T 15115-20099 中铝合金的命名规则:两个首字母“Y”“L”代表“压”“铝”两个汉字,表示压铸铝合金,YL后的第一个数字1/2/3/4分别表示:Al-Si,Al-Cu,Al-Mg,Al-Sn系列合金。第二/第三数字为顺序号。
ASTM B 179-06中铝合金命名规则:The first three numbers indicate the alloy, and the fourth indicates the product form.

The first digit identifies the family.
The second and third digits identify a specific alloy of the family. For all except the 1xx.x series, there is no special significance to those numbers.
The final digit following the decimal indicates the product form-casting or ingot. If the designation applies to a finished casting, a zero always is used (xxx.0); if it applies to the ingot from which the casting was or will be produced, a 1 or 2 is used (xxx.1 or xxx.2).
Prefix letters such as A or B indicate variations in the composition of casting alloys, but overall similarity. Continuing the example above, alloy A356.0 indicates a variation of 356.0 alloy, but with tighter controls on iron and other impurities.
Commercial die castings are generally limited to a relatively small number of compositions, namely, 360.0, A360.0, 380.0, A380.0, 383.0, 384.0, A384.0,
B390.0, 413.0, C443.0, and 518.0.
2.Properties of the common die casting aluminum alloy

3.Cases of some die-cast aluminum alloys

material:GB/T:YL112, ASTM:A380, JIS:ADC10

Casting method:high pressure die casting
material:GB/T:YL101, ASTM:A360, JIS:ADC3

Casting method:high pressure die casting
material:GB/T:YL113, ASTM:383, JIS:ADC12

Casting method: High-pressure die-casting
material:GB/T:YL113, ASTM:383, JIS:ADC12
From:RCM Industries, Inc.
